Green Spaces

Heath Extension, Hampstead Heath & Sandy Heath

The Hampstead Heath Extension with its glorious open spaces linking with the Heath and Kenwood estate, is a well-loved space of playing fields, a newly renovated playground, walking and riding routes, as well as important ecological habitats. So much at the heart of the suburb, it is easy to forget that only a determined community preservation effort saved it from being built on in the early 20th century. TOSC works with the City of London to help look after this amazing green space and represents residents’ interests at the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee.

Big Wood and Little Wood

The Friends of Big Wood are a membership and volunteer community group, independent of the RA, set out to protect this precious ancient woodland Nature Reserve and its community value. The HGS Residents Association has been a corporate member of Friends of Bigwood for many years. Friends of Big Wood work closely with Barnet Council, who own Big Wood and Little Wood, by organising volunteer activity mornings in the autumn and winter months to preserve the natural woodland habitats. FoBW also collaborate with renowned ecologists conducting woodland surveys and offering regular specialist walks and talks to the public. FoBW run their own children’s activity mornings for local children and organise community social events, such as the popular Open Morning and Moth Breakfast. Enquiries and FoBW membership applications are welcome:

Lyttelton Playing Fields & Henrietta Community Fruit Orchard

This large park with inspiring views of the suburb’s iconic buildings is home to extensive playing fields, public tennis courts, the Bishopswood Bowls Club, Kerem Pre-School, a café and a popular, well appointed, playground. The HGS Residents Association was instrumental in the creation of a Millennium Wood and have recently planted a new fruit orchard, based on Henrietta’s food growing vision for residents. 

In consultation with the Barnet Green Spaces team, the Friends of Henrietta Community Orchard volunteers of all ages established this new orchard next to the bowls club, where they have planted (and watered) 18 historic fruit tree varieties. We look forward to orchard social events and harvests in the years to come. For more information and occasional orchard newsletter updates contact:

Northway Gardens

This large 120-year-old park was designed by Parker and Unwin and is a wonderful green oasis. Flanking Mutton Brook, it stretches from Addison Way to Kingsley Way. Northway Gardens’ delightful flower beds and shrub borders have been re-created and are sustainably managed by the Northway Gardens Organisation, independently of the RA, as part of Barnet’s Adopt a Space scheme. The HGS Residents Association contributed over £12,000 to Northway Gardens since 2015, including the provision of two benches. Northway Gardens Organisation also run regular community tea parties and welcome new volunteers. Contact: Brian Ingram,

Central Square, Meadway Gate Open Space, Willifield Green

Just three examples of the many public squares and green spaces that contribute to the quality of life in every part of the suburb and need to be preserved.

Twittens and Green Verges

The charming amenities of the suburb include a wide network of twittens, the hedge-lined paths that are useful pedestrian shortcut routes between roads. The many green pavement verges, similar to twittens, are often surprisingly full of biodiversity and add to the pollution control and carbon capture provided by soil and flora in the suburb. TOSC members aim to keep an eye on their condition and serviceability to the public.